Planting Sarpo Potatoes and Comfrey Showing

On the Allotment

Down to the plot where Larry, our Site Rep, was chatting to another plotholder. Larry keeps a keen eye on the site and likes to make sure everyone is happy. He also said I must explain he is not a traitor because the plot on Willaston site is in his wife’s name. I think he’d make a great politician! (Only joking, Oh Great One)


The comfrey is finally beginning to show properly. I think it’s about three weeks behind last year but, then again, so am I!

Last year the first cut went under the potatoes but this year it’s still not ready for a cut. Considering the weather, it’s not really surprising.

Planting Potatoes

On plot five, I got in a row of Sarpo Axona and then a final row of Sarpo Mira. Since these were on the end of the patch I used the mantis to double the width of the trench, ensuring there is plenty of room for the potatoes to develop in.

Across to Plot 29 and the small bed where the brassicas were last year. This has a load of the turkey litter sitting on it so over with the Merry Tiller to mix it all up. Unlike plot 5 where each tuber went in 3 double handfulls of multi-purpose compost, I just made a hole with the trowel and dropped the seed potatoes in. I also scattered a few handfuls of blood, fish and bone over the surface to get things going.

It will be interesting to see what differences there are in the crops.

And so to home for a well deserved cup of tea.

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