Planting Onions and Allotment Site Stroll

Sunshine Day

It’s been a wonderful day – real sun and warm as well. So Val has
been in the garden and presented me with two large pots full of spent
compost for the allotment. This cold winter killed off a cordyline and
a hebe. So staggered to the car with them and then moved a lot of the
onions to the plot as well.

Onions Planting

I planted out the special show onions given to me by our NVS
chairman at the top of plot 5. I”m not planting onions on plot 29 as I
suspect white rot in the soil. The first row went in at 6? spacing but
I though ‘these are big show onions? so the second row got 8? spacing.
Be interesting to see if there is any difference.

I then planted out a few more rows of Red Baron, which are looking really well.

I drew a drill and added some compost into it before planting the
modules out. Trying for good quality this year, so avoiding shocking
the roots with the change to the heavy soil.

Still have loads to plant out but I ran out of compost and it was getting chilly by 6pm

On the Site

The plotholder opposite was on. Real family affair, husband, wife,
husband?s brother and little 5? Year old. She?s a real charmer ? full
of energy and mischief as only little kids can be. She has her own deep
bed with pots on top into which she has planted everything from flowers
to cabbages.

A few others came down, the sun brings them out. Took a stroll
around with the site rep Larry. We?ve a few plots that are below par
although the site is officially 100% full. The bills have just gone out
(up t o ?18.00 a year per plot now) and I suspect a few will become
vacant. I wish people who decide not to carry on with their plot would
let us know earlier rather than later.

Back at home

My brassicas are doing well in their pots. I think adding extra lime
has boosted them because they look really healthy. Next choice is to
plant them out or pot on for a bit longer. It’s getting near time for
sowing many other things so a little planning is next.

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