Harvesting Sweetcorn, Runner and French Beans and Pumpkins


Down to the plot with Val to pick a few beans and bits. Well a few beans turned into two carrier bags full of Runner and French beans, 13 pumpkins, a load of those small yellow squash, which weren’t so small, couple of cucumbers and a car boot load of sweetcorn.

Nearly forgot, the Plum Roma tomatoes are starting to ripen so half a carrier of those!

The pumpkins are about football sized and turning a nice orange colour but not completely orange so I was leaving them on the vine even though the leaves were dying off. I realised that some of the stalks had rotted so it was past time to get them up. One for the girl on the plot next door, 3 for other kids (Halloween) leaves us with 9 pumpkins, which is maybe a few too many for the two of us.

Some of the sweetcorn have gone a bit over. It’s really hard with sweetcorn to judge when it is perfect. Opening the leaves to check the kernels is great in theory but  if the corn is not ready leaves the kernels exposed and the bugs get in.

In the greenhouse (at home) we’ve loads of peppers, both hot and sweet although the aubergines are not being very productive. So far we’ve had one large aubergine  but the plants have a few more on.

I suspect a bit of blanching is going to be the order of the day tomorrow.

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