You cannot buy fresher
I’m still a little delicate after my food poisoning and the weather is hardly appealing, grey and damp with occasional drizzle so I”ve not got much done.
Anyway, tonight we are having a stew so strolled around for a parsnip and some leeks. The parsnips at the plot 6 end of the row are much better than those at the plot 4 end. This is down to the soil being heavier on the plot 4 side. This year I shall be concentrating on quality more than quantity so I?ll be mixing sand into the soil to lighten it up before sowing the root crops.
The leeks aren?t too bad but they could be better – overcrowding when they were seedlings has kept them a little smaller than I would like. They?ve survived the recent cold snap well, though.
So, two hours from pick to pot.
I have noticed that many things do not last as long as vegetables bought from the supermarket. The supermarket specifies varieties that last and stores them in climate-controlled conditions ? even artificial atmospheres. Growing your own means varieties that taste well.
Lettuce Tip
One tip for lettuce, take the lettuce back with the roots on and pop it into a cup of water. It will remain fresh as long as you need.
Mail Order
The seed order from the Organic Catalogue arrived today. They really are one of the best mail order suppliers. Well priced and efficient. They have yet to make a mistake but I expect they would put them right promptly as well.
Solar Power
Talking of mail order, I have bought a solar powered cooling fan for the greenhouse. Ventilation is important in the summer and a solar powered fan seems the ideal solution. The sunnier the day the more it runs. I have been looking around on the net but couldn?t find any solar powered equipment at what I considered a reasonable price. Some nice person on an ACL forum pointed me towards ebay France. Loads on there at reasonable prices. I have found that if you watch an item in MyEbay and then follow the link back from there to the item, you get a page in English although the description is still in French. Much easier for those of us who don?t speak too much French. I?m just hoping it arrives OK.
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