I forgot to mention the garlic yesterday. I planted 2 bulbs of Albigensian Wight, which was 16 cloves, atcually 17 as one split when I split the bulb so I planted both parts on the offchance.
Just put them into Westlands all purpose compost rather than seed compsot.
Greenhouse temperature.
Thee wasn’t much wind today, although it rained on and off. The greenhouse peaked at 17 degrees at mid-morning so the heater went down to half power. It has two chimneys with two wicks in each. So I think it was outputting around 600 watts on half power,
Solar fans arrive
The solar powered fans for the greenhouses arrived from France today. Excellent delivery. I’m sort of pleased with them in that they work as they should – even in the poor light level we had today – but looking at them I reckon they cost but a couple of quid to make.
Maybe I’ll start a business importing them from Taiwan myself!
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