Comfrey Tea or Liquid Feed , Mercy for the Pigeon

Too hot for me

It was a scorcher today and sticky with it so I cowered under the shade of a parasol in the garden drinking iced tea. When we do our little trips to France I pick up iced tea squash, which I have not seen in England. I love the stuff.

So, around 4.30pm it was a little cooler and got cloudy and I headed to the plot. Admired Poshbins new (like brand new) Mantis, had a chat with Lyn and then to my plot where I picked up a couple of onions, cut some courgettes and picked a few broad beans for tonight’s risotto.

Rumble of thunder and it started to spit so headed for home having done very little. Made it back with a minute to spare before the heavens opened and delivered a good soaking.

Comfrey Tea

Back round at 7.30pm where I opened the comfrey barrel and fed the tomatoes, courgettes, pumpkins and climbing beans with a good three or so litres per plant. I also gave the poor brassicas that the pigeons have half eaten a dollop in the hope they will recover. Boy does the liquid stink. The surface was covered in dead flies and when I took the lid off the barrel loads more flies appeared. So even the flies think it smells like poo.

Captured Pigeon

On plot 30 I noticed a pigeon trying to escape the netting over his brassicas that it had got under. OK, they’re thieving vermin and should be culled so I grasped it firmly, untangled it from the net and told it not to return. I just can’t. I think I could shoot one but I can’t bring myself to ‘neck’ it. Anyway, I’ve never done it and you shouldn’t do something like that without knowing how so as to avoid causing pain.

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