Crowded Greenhouse, Weeds Growing and Pity the Pigeon

Weeds Growing Well!

The last couple of days I’ve been tidying up the bottom of plot 29. With the greenhouse still in bits awaiting my construction skills and the parts scattered around, the weeds have been happily growing at great speed. So the tent cloche was packed away, which brings me to the question of why things never go back into their original packaging.

Out with the hoe and start going over the plot. The hot weather hasn’t helped in this but I got down on Monday evening around 6pm and went through to 9.30pm in the cool. Back down on Tuesday at the same time but around eight the sky went black and thunder rumbled. After the downpour on Sunday I decided to run for it but as it happened there was only a few spots of rain although it really looked like the skies would open at any moment.

Anyway, the job’s nearly done.


I thought I was safe admitting online that I hadn’t got it in me to strangle a pigeon but between Val telling Larry and it seems half the site drop in on here I’m rumbled. So taking some flak to say the least. Mind you, a couple of other plotholders have said they couldn’t do it either. We certainly seem to be having more problems this year with them than any year before.


The greenhouse at home is bulging, peppers and tomatoes trying to go through the roof so a grand sort out took place. Originally the plan was to transfer to the plot’s greenhouse but the delay there means the home greenhouse is overfull.

Most of the tomatoes are now outside and all that need it are staked or re-staked. We don’t seem far off actually getting some crops out of this but I don’t know how I can safely transfer the tomato plants now, as some are over four feet high. One Sungold is actually about seven feet high!

Comfrey Tea

Dropped down to the plot on Wednesday for 10 minutes just to water / feed a few bits and took the lid off the comfrey barrel. The surface was black with dead flies so I think I have a new use for comfrey tea – a fly killer. They do seem to love the smell of it.

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