Pumpkin, Squash and French Beans

Sharing Water

Down to the plot early evening where the chap opposite arrived just after me to water his plot. One tap and two people could be a problem but last year I picked up a gadget from a B&Q closing down sale to enable 2 hosepipes on one tap. Problem solved, although it lowers the pressure, which was pretty good yesterday for some reason.

Pumpkins and Squash.

Went through the pumpkin, trimming off flowers and three or four undeveloped fruits to ensure good development of the remainder. Pumpkin leaves have nasty little spikes on them and I wish I’d worn gloves as it was five minutes of teasing them out of my fingers.

Removed the Black Beauty courgette on plot 29, it’s only producing a few strange fruits, which I think is due to it being shadowed by the mad pumpkin. I’ve got another one on plot 5 so it’s not a problem. The Golden Dawn courgette is very productive anyway.

The Sunburst yellow squash has gone mad as well. Supposed to produce small fruits but they’re quite large and lots of them. One and a half carrier bags full!

French Beans and my Brain

Harvested a meal’s worth of Cobra from plot 5, but left them on the table when I went home. This heat is making me absent minded, I found my rake and hoe leaning on the greenhouse on plot 28 and the night before I left my wheelbarrow out.


My legs have some 26 bites on them, I think ants but something nasty. Despite anti-histamine pills and cream and hydrocortisone cream, they are driving me mad. Woke up scratching and bleeding at 4am. So I’m then applying antiseptic in the middle of the night. No more shorts on the plot for me.

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