Planting Cauliflowers and Harvesting Potatoes Arran Pilot

Down to the plot around 3pm, plugged in to my trusty radio where I listened to the second half of The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco on Radio 4. Brilliant. I’m usually plugged in to Radio 4 – never miss the Archers, sad I know. I took the car down because I had a bag of lime, a trough of leeks and another large pot of leeks to plant.

First job was to start the sprinkler going on plot 5 and flooding the pumpkins on plot 29.

Planting Cauliflowers

Bagged up the onions and garlic to take home from my combination drying rack and brassica defence screen, then proceeded to plant the six Pavilion cauliflowers. They are in six inch square pots so dug a slightly bigger hole and put some lime into the base, mixing it with the soil. After planting, lightly circled with more lime then watered in well. I’ve added SM3 seaweed extract to the blue water barrel and about 5 gallons of comfrey tea as well. Hoping this will work as a light fertiliser and stimulant to plants watered from there.

Planting Leeks

Next job was the leeks. I’m running behind with these so their roots have tangled up in the pot. The ideal would have been a month ago but such is life. I filled a bucket with water and by agitating in the water managed to untangle so the leeks had a decent amount of root on them. Took my spade handle dibber and made holes that promptly filled in with the dry soil so watered the soil, re-dibbed and dropped each leek into a hole about six inches deep. Spaced at 6 inches in rows about twelve inches apart. Watered in really well.

I planted two blocks, one of Lyon and the other Autumn Giant. Gave the ‘overs’ of the Lyon to plot 28 .I’ve quite a few autumn giant over but I’m going to pop those onto plot 5 where the potatoes were.

Harvesting Potatoes.

Dug up the rest of the first early, Arran Pilot. Yield is down due to the dry weather but more than sufficient for our needs. Slug damage is low but they feel light. I suspect the water content of the potatoes is down on normal. Three carrier bags from two rows.

I’ve still got a row and a half of Orla then about four rows of second earlies to get up as soon as I can. Next year I must show some restraint., 1 KG of Arran Pilot seed potatoes will be plenty!

Ant Bites

Oliver (from the forums) sent me a lovely email with helpful information on handling the bites that have been driving me potty. I think I’ve become very sensitive or something as a small nettle rash has been irritating me for days as well and usually they irritate for about an hour. Anyway, the ant bites are a little better now but I’m wearing jeans to the plot regardless of the temperature.

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