Brassica Problems and Harvesting Potatoes

Brassica Blues

After watching the slide show from a master of growing brassicas my plants are all the more disappointing, especially considering the great start I made with them. Although I got the soil pH right by adding the dolomite and rotovated it, it would have benefited from some compost or manure, not to mention some additional fertiliser.

The soil is so hard that I think the roots are having problems getting into the soil as well.

Anyway, chalk it up to experience. I weeded the first bed, which was hard work. Hoeing concrete is the best way to describe it. They all got some fish blood and bone and a little bit of urea mixed with water. Maybe that will help them finish better than they’re going now.

The pigeons have discovered a new trick. They sit on the netting, which sinks down and happily peck through the gaps. I worked it out from the droppings and how the plants have been eaten. Easily sorted by some more supporting poles, but I wish I’d seen this one coming.


Just to annoy my southeastern readers (sorry) had hosepipes going on both plots at the same time while I was down there today. I probably used as much as Thames water leaks in a minute!


Started clearing the first earlies as I want the space for leeks, which are ready to plant out. I reckon about 3 carrier bags per row and I’ve two more rows o go. Some are now quite large, about 3 eggs in size and I’ve loads more 2nd earlies and maincrop. We’re still using last year’s maincrop, although they’re very sprouty now.

Thanks Pete

One of the great things about allotments is the way people share their knowledge and their crops. Pete gave me some really nice lettuces and a couple of basil in pots.

Now to scour the net for courgette recipes, we have more than a few!

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