Weeding the Leeks and Cutting Green Manure Mustard

Weeds and Prizes

No, I don’t mean prize winning weeds! The allotment rep delivered my prize certificate. I won 2nd Prize on our site. That’s one up from last year’s third. I also got a ?10.00 prize, which about pays for the pyracantha I bought to beef up site security.

Spent a glorious afternoon on the plot, weeded around the leeks on plot 5, which took a lot longer than I expected. Trouble is that it is difficult to get between the plants with gloves on and barehanded I always find a nettle popping up. Ouch!

Harvested a few carrots and some strawberries – big juicy ones although many have botrytis, grey mould, so need to think how to get round this for next year. I allowed a few runners to root to fill in gaps so perhaps sorting the bed out will cure this for next year.

Took a few photographs as well – the plots are looking empty now. I started cutting down the green manure mustard and combined with some comfrey and the weeds added it to the compost heap. The heap on plot 29 has really gone down as well.

There’s quite a lot to do over the next weeks, emptying the leaf mould bins before the new lot arrive for example. I noticed they are starting to turn brown on the trees now and they will be falling shortly, no doubt. 

Val returned from the shops with 150 Japanese onion sets – 69p for 50 from Wilkinsons, which beats the ?3.50 for them from Ebay. So these need planting asap

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