Killing Horsetail or Marestail
Killing Horsetail, cutting green manure and wondering about the warm weather. Plus changes to the web site.
Killing Horsetail, cutting green manure and wondering about the warm weather. Plus changes to the web site.
Weeding on a beautiful sunny day and I get my prize. Cutting the green manure mustard
Merry Tiller troubles and crazy kamikaze motor bike riders.
Weeding and digging, site tour and unfair use of allotments.
Wet on the surface but dry under -despite the torrents of rain yesterday.
You're never without something to do on an allotment but today I realised I have almost caught up
Wind kills coldframe, fuel crisis stops the Merry Tiller, Green Manure and shovelling the smelly stuff
What a strange day! Started by trying to snow and then the sun came out for a glorious afternoon.