Moving Leafmould and a Few Parsnips

Strange Weather

What a strange day! Started by trying to snow and then the sun came out for a glorious afternoon. It started to get pretty chilly as the sun dropped and tonight they predict minus 5?

There were a couple of people on the site as I arrived at around 3pm but they were leaving so I had the whole site to myself.

Dug up a few parsnips from plot 5 and added a couple of bags to the compost heap. The red baron onions from last year have all sprouted so they ended up on the heap. I doubt we will last until the new onions come in but we are doing quite well. Still have a lot of shallots and garlic left.

So, to work.

Shited the leaf pile from the side of the heap on plot 29 into the cage. That is full again but will go down pretty quickly. 6 barrowloads.

Next I hoed down the field bean green manure on plot 29. I will let them wilt for a few days and then rotovate ready to start planting.

So, we have a warm and mild winter until it gets to planting time and then the cold comes. Seems that weather has been a constant complaint amongst gardeners since the Romans.

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