Comfrey Planted and Up To Date

So what to do?

You’re never without something to do on an allotment but today I realised I have almost caught up – everything is under control and there is no rush!

Decided to plant the broccoli and calabrese in modules at either side of the brassica cage. What is the difference between broccoli and calabrese? I must look that up. Took the opportunity to weed a bit more in the cage.

Had a chat with the allotment rep. Seems we have the dreaded cabbage root fly on some plots. Luckily I have no sign of it yet.

Forgot to mention on Sunday I entered the allotment competition. I’m bound to get first prize if no one else enters!

Ben & Roland

Apparently others have seen the rats and complaints laid so the council are sending someone out. Visions of him with colt 45, smoking a cigar as he flips his poncho over his shoulder and plays a tune from his pocket watch. Must be the sun that came out for a bit!


I had one lone comfrey cutting in a pot and not the heart to dump it so planted on plot 29 next to the comfrey plant that is near the compost bins.

Took another few barrow loads of turkey litter to the compost bins on plot 5. When it has rotted down it will get incorporated in the potato bed (after they’ve been lifted).

I also mulched the comfrey bed with a couple more barrow loads.

The comfrey barrel is starting to get smelly so shouldn’t be too long before I have my own tomato feed.

Planted Courgette

I had a courgette (Black Beauty) in a pot in the coldframe and it seemed a shame to waste it – especially as we have found courgettes do freeze OK, so the glut is copeable. There is a space at the edge of the sweetcorn by plot 6 where a couple of plants vanished (slugs?) so popped in the courgette.

One of the things I find hardest about gardening is throwing away perfectly good plants. Nature does the same, of course. Perhaps half the seeds don’t germinate and then predators and misfortune take a percentage of those. I only want the best but sometimes end up with 10 plants, all equally good and I only want 5. Feels like murder (almost).


Thinned the carrots on the deep bed on plot 29 – got a nice little meal from them as well. Carrot d’Amsterdam, mild flavoured long roots and very clean.

To come

The weatherman promises heavy rain tomorrow followed by some warm weather. After that I will rotovate the mustard green manure in on plot 5 and then plant some more primo cabbage that are looking ready in modules. It will involve some more anti-pigeon construction.

I’ve also got some French beans germinating in the greenhouse (hopefully!)

Oh, and the weeds keep growing.

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