Keeping Chickens on the Allotment


Some time back, I asked about keeping hens on the plot and was denied, despite there being nothing in the rules.

Some discussions followed and letters were dispatched to local councillors, some of whom had the courtesy to reply. Even better, I got some support and we can now keep hens on the plot, following the meeting yesterday.

Glyn Ollier of the Direct Services department of the council looks after the allotments and was kind enough to telephone me with the news. I’m going down to his office for a chat on Tuesday about the changes.

What Next?

Working on the net, I’m pretty good at finding the answers to specific questions – usually related to coding but also when it comes to answering questions on keeping chickens on an allotment. What I don’t have is any experience or breadth of knowledge with poultry keeping.

I look after Katie Thear’s site Broad Leys Publishing and she has written a number of great books on keeping poultry, so that’s my first port of call. On the site there is a link for agricultural colleges and I noticed Reaseheath (local to me) is doing a one day course ‘Introduction to Poultry keeping ‘ on Saturday 22nd October so I’ll try and get on that.

I may well have to add a poultry section to the web site as well!

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