Pyracantha Hedging for Allotment Security

Moving in high places

Met up with Glyn Ollier of Direct Services today, He’s responsible for the allotments in Crewe and Nantwich. We discussed the keeping of chickens on the allotments amongst other things

I was impressed by his obvious commitment to allotments and willingness to innovate. We talked about the BUGS (Brookhouse Urban Garden Scheme), which has been a great success in helping youngsters to gain lifelong skills and respect for the environment.

Planted a flowering thing!

Yes, amazing news, John planted a flowering thing.

When we did the grand allotment tour, I noticed how some of the really successful sites had made the entrance, at least, attractive with the addition of flower beds. So decided to gentrify our site and planted a Pyracantha by the fence.

It has really attractive autumn colours and the berries will feed the birds. Oh yes, nearly forgot, it also has wicked spikes that might cause some difficulty to those lovely young people who climbed over the fence to nick my squash.

Chose a really good spot for it – almost solid rubble! Took nearly an hour to dig out the bricks and suchlike until I had a decent hole. Not being sure of the correct method with flowery things and not wishing to show my ignorance by asking the fount of all knowledge at home, I decided to add some gritty soil and fish blood and bone to the bottom of the hole. Then a layer of mixed soil and a few spadefuls of fine compost around the plant. Thanks to Tony on plot 31? for the compost when I see him.

This being such an unusual event, me and a flowery thing, I even took a photo.

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