Comfrey Feeding Tomatoes and Cauliflower Problems


Down to the plot just before 4pm and I was the only one on there, perhaps something to do with a football match.


I laid some of the wilted comfrey down on plot five and laid a strip of weed suppressant fabric over it, through which I planted five plum Roma tomatoes. I’ve done rather well with these in the past so I”m hopeful, touch wood, of a good crop.

Popped up a couple more bean teepees and planted out the Blue Lake French beans..

One other plotholder did show up later. He showed me how he makes deep pots out of newspaper, which, because they are thinner, are more effective than toilet roll inners at allowing the roots to go through. I?ll try to put a page up on how to do it – maybe a video would be best.

Returned home before 7pm as all good Dr Who fans were sat in front of the TV.


The Big Dig

Once again the BBC decided people in the North West should watch some sport rather than a programme about allotments so until Larry telephoned I was happily listening to the radio thinking I was recording it. Did manage the second half as it was running through the satellite. They really don?t deserve to be running parties in a brewery let alone a TV station.

Down to the plot around 3pm where I was on my own. Amazing considering how good the weather is. It?s never right for gardeners; either too wet or too dry. The surface of the plot is cracked and looks like a desert, although there is some water underneath. Funny old year, so far.

First job was to clear some bolted beet spinach and some weeding at the top of plot five. Managed to find some nettles, being as I was in shorts, they got my legs and my arms.


Removed the All Year Round cauliflowers that have died and planted some purple and white sprouting broccoli in their place. If they die, then I know it?s something in the soil.

Cleared the tent cloche, the beans and cucumbers went into the tall coldframe on plot five so I can take it down now and pack it away for next year. Planted the marrow which was still in a pot and starting to fruit!

I also planted the butternut squash between the rows of sweetcorn. The American Indians in the south west had a system called the three sisters, where they grew corn, beans and squash together. The squash grew in the shade of the sweetcorn, which the beans grew up. It maximised water use and the nitrogen fixing nodules on the bean roots helped the corn grow.  I?ve done it before and it works well but I only plant beans on the outside sweetcorn because you can not get to the inner ones easily to pick the beans.


Planted a row of Early Onward ? shows how behind I am, planting peas in June. Still need to get some more carrots in, beetroot, turnips, Swedes and dwarf French beans.

If I don?t get the blessed greenhouse up soon I?m going to have to plant some of the tomatoes outside.

The Japanese onions are going to be ready in a week or two. The spray seems to have halted the spread of the disease, thank goodness.

Sowed some more radish, spring onions and some Lollo Rosso lettuce on the salad bed on plot 29 and that was about it.

Did have the sprinkler on and gave the comfrey a good soak as well as the brassicas and the potatoes. Then the radio weather said there will be thunderstorms later so it seemed pointless. I feel for people trying to cope with hosepipe bans, it must really make things hard,

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