Compost, Comfrey and Cauliflowers

Compost and Comfrey

Down to the plot around 4pm in lovely sunshine with two big bags of grass cuttings and prunings from the garden plus the kitchen compost bin. These all went onto the plot 29 bin. Next to the comfrey patch on plot 5 and finished cutting it back. Crammed the blue barrel full and piled the rest on to the top of the wood chippings to wilt. I’ll spread some between the potato rows when it”s gone down, which should help them.


Well the Mayflower have not been an overwhelming success – five heads have formed that are about the size of a ping pong ball and that is that. The ‘All Year Round? seem OK so far, touch wood. I was told they had been kept in the pot too long, but they didn?t seem potbound at all. Whatever the cause, a dead loss.

Planted out the calabrese Chevalier (10 plants) and 4 Romanesco. I?ve still got the purple cauliflowers, Brussels sprouts and white and purple sprouting to go out.

Popped some netting over to keep the pigeons off overnight but I need to get a better defence erected.

Finished and headed home for 9pm

Doesn?t seem a lot considering the time spent, but that was it. The ground is still very wet under the surface, especially at the bottom of plot 5 where the brassicas are. Hopefully it will dry out a little but I expect we will have the promised drought next. Then, of course, they?ll impose a hosepipe ban on the plot. Good fun this gardening lark.

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