Allotment Plots Status Reports


I had to work on a rush job so didn’t get to the plot until 5pm, which gave me two hours as Dr Who starts at 7pm. OK, I know I”m sad, but I enjoy it.


Got a good five hours on the plot today with just a short break to nip home for a cup of tea and a hay fever pill. I?m normally OK with hay fever but there must have been some weird pollen blowing around as I really had a good attack.

Status Report

Plot 5

The onions at the top have some weird illness that?s spreading but doesn?t seem to have hit the onions further down the plot. I?ve lost quite a few now so I?m going to see if I can get any advice from the NVS. Removed the worst affected and will put them in the rubbish rather than compost them.

Potatoes are doing fine, but a nearby plot has problems that I fear may be blackleg. Mine are OK so something to be thankful for.

Next onion patch seems fine, so fingers crossed that I will still get a decent crop. Thinned the weeds out on here and cleared the patch before the beans although I intended to rotovate it but time ran out.

Runner beans are a dead loss. I?ve more sown hopefully germinating in the tent cloche. Removed the Polestar remains and planted out the French climbers, Cobra.

The sweetcorn was planted out on Saturday and is under cloche where it is doing well.

Planted out courgettes, Golden Dawn and Black Beauty by the sweetcorn. Dug a deep hole and filled it with some compost from the heap to improve water retention and feed it. Courgettes are quite hungry plants, which isn?t surprising when you consider how prolific they are.

Planted out 4 Brussels sprouts, couple of Purple Graffiti cauliflowers, another Romanesco and a cabbage, Primo. Spent ages playing with tangled plastic netting to provide some protection against the pigeons. I think untangling that stuff is woman?s work. It requires skill, tenacity and patience, which probably explains why my wife could do it in half the time and better too.

The All Year Round cauliflowers have flopped so I think I?ve lost them as well but the cabbages seem to be doing well, especially the red cabbages.

Filled the comfrey barrel with water, so the comfrey manure is on its way. No hosepipe ban here, thank goodness, so I dug the pipe out from the back of the shed or the job would have taken all day!

Plot 29

Broad beans look small compared with what they normally look like by now. They are flowering so I hope I?ll get enough of my favourite vegetable. Popped in three plants the slugs had nibbled in pots that looked recovered. They may well catch up.

The salad bed looks fine, harvested some over wintered White Lisbon spring onions, an Arctic King lettuce, which tastes very nice and a few radishes for tea. Now I remember why I play this growing game.

The strawberries have little green berries on the so strawberry jam is on the cards soon. The garlic is doing well and the small potato bed looks fine.

Lots left to do now the weather has changed, sowing, planting and last but not least, constructing the greenhouse.

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