Allotment Thief, Replacing Runner Beans


The weather forecast was for rain coming in the afternoon so decided to go down to the plot this morning. Now I’m not a morning person, unless you mean the early hours of the morning but I knew this would be my last chance for a few days according to the weatherman.

Being awakened by a cat demanding breakfast at 7.30am, which is earlier than I’d like having gone to sleep around 2.00am I switched on the computer to just check my email at 8.00am while I had a cup of tea. Long story short, the phone went, emails arrived and I got to the plot at 3.00pm.

On the Plot

We’ve got a bit of a problem on the site. Some bright spark has stolen Larry’s leeks and worse is that someone has cut Jim’s hosepipe off the brass connector to the water tap and stolen that. Whichever mean-spirited little person who has done it, if you read this – have the guts to say what your problem is.

Allotment Competition

I entered the allotment competition and I’m confident of winning the site prize if no one else enters! Actually my plot doesn’t look half as good as it did last year when I came a very close second.


Val’s been changing things in the garden, which involved me digging a bush up from the front and cutting back the Russian vine that was trying to eat the cherry tree. I don’t mind giving her a hand since she’s been walking around on a broken ankle for 5 weeks, That’s not a joke, by the way. She thought it was a bad strain but as it wasn’t getting better fast enough it was x-rayed on Friday and confirmed that it had broken and was healing well. The doctors seemed quite impressed, calling in their pals to see the x-ray!

Anyway, two large bags of compost material went round in the back of the car and ended up on the heap on plot 29.


Of course, it started to rain. Not too heavily but I had the feeling a downpour could happen at any moment. Having the car on site, I knew I wouldn’t get soaked so decided to plough on and plant the climbing beans I had sown when it looked as if I’d lost the lot due to the grotty weather.

I replaced some of the runners that looked pretty feeble with the new stock that looked a lot stronger. Goes to show that you need to go with the weather, not the date as the later sown are healthier and nearly as large as the earlier sown and planted out.

I now have four teepees of beans, one each of runner bean Streamline, runner bean Polestar, climbing French bean Cobra and climbing French bean Blue Lake. I had some five healthy plants of Blue Lake over so I planted those by the sweetcorn, one to a plant. They should grow up the sweetcorn, adding nitrogen to help the sweetcorn and gaining from the support of the sweetcorn.

The rain got heavier and so to home about 5.30pm, more telephone calls and emails awaited the crazed chap who plants in the rain.

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