Growing Potatoes – A Guide
I believe that the potato is the most important and versatile crop the home grower can grow. It’s also one of the most underrated crops.
New articles and sections on the Allotment Growing web site. Check back here for the latest additions and changes to the web site.
I believe that the potato is the most important and versatile crop the home grower can grow. It’s also one of the most underrated crops.
A host of slugs and snails in the rain, incredible thunderstorms with hail and floods, repaired the Merry Tiller and new on the web site
New web site goes live and I need your input as to what you think of it and any bug reports welcome
I'm asking for your help to get a new book published on self-sufficiency and explaining why I think it will be valuable.
Getting on with jobs outside when the rain holds off. More new pages added to the web site.
Broke my Mantis which is annoying. Biochar review and growing tomatoes in straw bales.
Recovering from the cataract operation so busy working on the web site. Added articles on general topics, allotment foods and more
When the neighbours come round and ask if they can have their roof back, you know it's been storming.
New threat from the EU to gardeners, new articles on the site about making butter and cheese and wishing you all a Merry Christmas.
We've updated our forums and gone back to our old home pages. An explanation.
Busy week, shocked by prices in the sales and new on the site: growing runner beans for show.
Greenhouse base basically finished and some new articles on the site for you.
Our new book is out and I thought you might want to know what goes into writing a book
Injured leg so adding more articles and videos to the site
New on the site - 15 pages on making worm compost from one of the most respected sites on the subject.
Our new book How to Store Your Home Grown Produce is now available.
My new book is out and available with £10.00 worth of selected seeds FREE!
Coping with Val's injury and some new pages on the Poultry Pages, videos and old illustrations.
Videos now on the sites - find out more in our allotment and chicken keeping videos.