Storing Your Home Grown Crops

Our new book How to Store Your Home Grown Produce is now available.

How to Store Your Home Grown Produce

How to Store Your Home Grown Produce

At this time of year the harvest is coming home thick and fast, which poses the problem of what to do with it all. Much as you might like runner beans, 3 meals a day can be a bit much.

Storing the bounty to last through the year until the next season’s crops come in was second nature to our grandparents generation but now many of us have lost the knowledge.

Basic root crops like potatoes and carrots can be kept for months in the right conditions, but what are those conditions? Certainly not a plastic bag in the kitchen!

Bottling, or canning as our American cousins call it, is a great way to store fruit and even some vegetables but it does take some knowledge to effectively and safely undertake.

One advantage we have over our grandparents is that we have freezers. Freezing enables us to keep produce in near perfect condition for a year or longer but you do need to prepare the produce correctly for the freezer.

How to Store Your Home Grown Produce

Anyway, our latest book covers all these methods and more. It’s a departure for us in that it has some colour photographs and diagrams. The book is being published in the USA by Skyhorse Inc of New York so the larger print runs enabled colour without sending the price through the roof. It is important to us that our books to be affordable to all.

This book is printed on glossy paper as well, so you can wipe off the odd stain and splash. We want you to use it in the kitchen, not leave it sitting on a coffee table!

Anyway, there’s an early-bird launch offer with it of £10.00 worth of free seeds for next year and free postage. For more information and to order, please go to How to Store Your Home Grown Produce.

Posted in New on Site, Tools & Stuff
One comment on “Storing Your Home Grown Crops
  1. Steve in Salford says:

    Well done, ordered this book yesterday and it arrived with the dawn this morning, postman must have wet the bed he was very early.

    Have read most of it or the bits I was not sure about and can only recommend this book along with the others in the series.

    Good luck with the small holding and the eventual move.

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