Growing Potatoes – A Guide

I’ve been busy over the past month with plans for the smallholding. Whilst ordering my seed potatoes I realised that many of the emails I was getting that week were about potato growing. People wondering what seed potatoes to buy, how best to grow them where they live, and what to do if they had previously had bad blight the year before.

Sadly I don’t always have the time to reply to every email I receive. I try to, but other work projects and the smallholding take up a lot of my day. Plus, I’m trying to semi-retire this year. I say trying as Cara keeps telling me I’ll never fully retire as I enjoy doing what I do too much!

So anyway, I decided it was time to sit down and start to write a book. Possibly proving that I wont be that good at this whole retirement thing, but at least I get to write about what I love.

Potatoes – A Guide to Growing, Harvesting, and Storing Potatoes

Over the years I have written much about the humble potato. Through articles and books I have covered everything from how many to grow, how to grow them, how to store them and what diseases or other problems a grower may encounter. I’ve even given talks on growing the simple spud! What I hadn’t done to date is write a book solely about the potato, with that knowledge all in one place.

I firmly believe that the potato is the most important and versatile crop the home grower can grow. It’s also one of the most underrated crops. When you’ve tasted a home grown new potato, harvested earlier the same day, I’m sure you will agree.

Get Growing!

If you live in the Northern hemisphere now is the perfect time to be buying your seed potatoes, starting them chitting, and planning for the gardening year ahead. I’ve had my potatoes in the potting shed for a few weeks now, but don’t worry if you haven’t got going – there is always time to start.

Even if you know the basics of growing, I think this book has a lot to offer. It will help guide you through selecting the best potatoes to grow, it addresses the common problems growers encounter, plus it seeks to answer the many questions I get each month about potato growing, harvesting, and storing.

What’s in the Book?

It covers different growing methods, as well as coping with diseases and problems, plus information on harvesting, storing and some great recipes too. Whether you have acres of land, an allotment plot, or a small back patio, there is information on how to grow your own potatoes in the space available to you.

I’ve tried to cover all the areas I am commonly asked questions about, plus I’ve thrown in a few of my favourite potato recipes. There is so much that can be done with the humble spud!

Including detailed plant information as well as a section on potato varieties. This includes tables showing first earlies, second earlies, and main crops plus whether they are best mashed roasted, or chipped and more. I’ve answered your queries on seed potatoes – whether you can reuse year-on-year, if that supermarket potato is up to the job, and how to get the largest yield. I’ve also included information on a popular growing competition too.

A lot of potato questions are emailed to me when people are hit with pests and diseases. I’ve covered all the common problems along with guidance on how to deal with them plus there are photos to help you identify problems as well.

This eBook is pretty full considering it is about just one vegetable – the potato. With it you should be able to hit the ground running and tackle any problems that crop up along the way.

Special Introductory Offer – Only £2.95 PLUS Freebies

To celebrate the release of my first full eBook I’ve priced it low at only £2.95 and also included a copy of my mini-eBook on Crop Rotation for free. This is a limited offer for March and is only available when bought with the Potato eBook at present. Available only from Our Book Shop.

Crop Rotation includes detailed information about plant groups/families and how to arrange them into a three, four, or five year crop rotation. The eBook even includes replica WW2 Dig for Victory leaflets showing the three year crop rotation advised at that time.

There is also a £3.00 off voucher included with the eBook for my best selling title Dig for Victory: Monthly Guides. This book already comes with 5 packs of wartime seeds plus replica leaflets and free delivery, so with £3.00 off it is a real bargain!

Buy Now!

If you are thinking of buying Dig for Victory the value of the voucher (£3.00) is more than the current price of the Potato eBook (£2.95); I noticed a few people buy the eBook and then DFV today to make the most of this deal and to effectively get the eBook for free!

Both the Crop Rotation mini-eBook and Voucher Code are only available with orders placed this month. This is a special release offer and will be ending on 31st March 2022.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary, New on Site

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