Vegetable, Fruit & Herb Growing in Small Spaces

I’m proud to announce my latest book, Vegetable, Fruit & Herb Growing in Small Spaces, is now available with a pre-launch offer of £10.00 worth of selected seeds from here: Vegetable, Fruit & Herb Growing in Small Spaces.

It will be available in the shops and on Amazon etc towards the end of the month.

Container Growing Vegetables, Fruits & Herbs

Vegetable, Fruit & Herb Growing in Small Spaces

Vegetable, Fruit & Herb Growing in Small Spaces

When we found ourselves with a large garden that was concrete terraces, we looked at digging up and turning it back to soil but it was going to cost over £5,000 so well beyond what we could afford. This meant container growing was the only choice.

Now, there’s nothing new about container growing, grow-bags have been around as long as I can remember. But there’s a huge range of things that you can grow in pots as well as tomatoes and peppers.

My friends in the National Vegetable Society who grow for show would rarely grow in common soil, many wouldn’t even grow outside. Most of those marvellous prize winners are grown in pots using special composts under very controlled conditions. I must admit to picking their brains on some points, although they tend to get a bit technical for the beginner.

Small Garden Growing and Potager

Those of us with a small garden but no allotment will find the book useful as well. I’ve looked around a few potager gardens in France, where the vegetables are grown in a decorative manner and incorporated some of those ideas into the book.

Children, Decoration and Practical – Squaring the Circle!

You can have a garden that’s attractive, gives the kids a play area and provides a significant contribution to your diet. Did you know you can even grow apples in pots on a patio? Strawberries in a hanging basket and even cranberries in a window box?

Researching and trials for the book have surprised me at times. I’ve kept it practical. Of course you can grow anything in a pot, so long as the pot is big enough, but I’ve stuck to those things that make sense where space is limited.

Disabled Gardening

Another area I looked at was gardening for the disabled. We’re all getting older and maybe not quite as fit as we were 20 years ago. Some of us suffer arthritis and some are stuck in wheelchairs or suffer reduced mobility of course. I’ve put some tips in to help that I’ve picked up along the way.

Anyway, please take a look – I hope it’s achieved what I set out to do.

Vegetable, Fruit & Herb Growing in Small Spaces

Posted in New on Site, Tools & Stuff

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