Yearly Archives: 2012

Visit to Moelyci Environmental Centre

Visit to Moelyci. Growing runner beans in polytunnel and using a pole lathe demonstration.

Can it get wetter?

It’s pretty hard to believe this is July. I thought June was awful, well it was the wettest on record, and that July would have to be better. Ha! What fools we mortals be. Luckily for us, the massive storm

Rotovator, Strimmer and Petrol Shelf-life

Changing the ooil in the Merry Tiller, shock bill for the strimmer and a warning for us all about using stale old petrol

Catching the Sun

Making the most of a rarity, sunshine. Planting out the runner beans and harvesting the last of the over-wintered cauliflowers

Cabbage Problems, potting on etc

Answering email about cabbages, building the rhubarb containers, potting on brassicas and spending a fortune on a new wheelbarrow.

Strimmer, Tiller & Rhubarb

The strimmer broke down and then the Merry Tiller wouldn't start but all happily sorted with a little help from my friends. And growing rhubarb like the master.

Comfrey, Sweetcorn & Midges

A glorious day getting the comfrey bed planted out, another raised bed and potatoes nearly ready - the flowers told me so

Loads of Compost

Over to Moelyci environmental centre near Tregarth to pick up a few tonnes of compost with help from our neighbour. Fascinating seeing it made on this scale

Vegetables for the Irish Garden

Reviewing a book on growing in wet conditions like Ireland and Wales, our first cauliflower at this house shows my romantic side and a fabulous cactus.. in Wales!

Greenhouse Tomatoes & Foliar Feeding

Planting out the tomatoes in the greenhouse and foliar feeding the potatoes that are beginning to show.

Pesky sheep, double growbags and a peacock

Sheep ate my homework (well brassicas), wrote a song and making extra large greenhouse grow bags. Then, to add to the fun, my strimmer died but a beautiful peacock visited.

Visit to Medwyn Williams

A visit to the top vegetable grower in the UK, if not the world, Medwyn Williams. I've lost count of the number of RHS gold medals he holds!

Clearing Comfrey Patch & Weedkiller

Clearing a patch to plant my comfrey for compost and my thoughts in answer to a question on weedkillers and organic growing

Compost Bins & Composting Grass

Planning for new compost bins and how to build them. What is the best compost bin for my needs.

Building Raised Beds

Raised Beds

Building new raised beds and filling them leaves me with better growing and a bad back!

Building Propagator Thermostatic Control

A cheap control unit for the propagators, potting on tomatoes and burning wood

Sad News

The loss of our grandson.

Propagating Comfrey

Bit more sowing and propagating comfrey.

Easter Sowing

Rotten weather but still managing to get a lot started.


From 22 to 2 degrees and snow. Then the electric went off just to add to the fun

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