Sad News

It’s been a while since I last posted. As you may know, we were looking forward to the arrival of our grandson this month. On Wednesday 11th we got the call from our son-in-law that Cara was having an emergency C section and a little later that Logan Harrison Martin had arrived.

Sometime later still we were told that there were problems so headed up the motorway to Dewsbury hospital, finally arriving just before one in the morning. Logan had been transferred to the Peter Congdon Neonatal Unit in Leeds and I took my son-in-law over. Despite it being 3am, the doctor talked to us and explained all they knew for sure at that point, which wasn’t a huge amount beyond the fact he was very poorly.

It seems that the umbilical cord had wrapped around his neck as he moved into position to be born and this had deprived him of oxygen. Despite all their efforts, a tests showed there was little brain activity and other organs had been damaged by the lack of oxygen.

Logan passed away peacefully in his parents arms on 14th April.

Both hospitals were very good, Leeds were not only brilliant technically but also very compassionate. They gave us relatives a room to stay in and looked after us, far above anything we expected. For all that people complain about the NHS, money couldn’t have brought us better care.

I really didn’t want to post this but I’ve had people asking what’s going on and thought I should say.

Logan Harrison Martin Appeal

Thank you to everyone for your kind comments, which are appreciated. We’ve set up an appeal in Logan’s memory for the Neonatal Unit. There are some photo’s on the page of Logan

Logan Harrison Martin Appeal

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary
28 comments on “Sad News
  1. Jane Herman says:

    words cannot help, so sorry for this sad loss

  2. Please accept all our deepest sympathies – what a very difficult time for you all. Thinking of you and your family,

    Take care,

  3. Sam says:

    Sorry for your loss, I wish your family all the best.

  4. Mandycharlie says:

    I am so sorry to hear this John, the loss of a child is unbearable. I am at a loss as to what to say. I hope you find strength in each other and are able to find a way, in time, to find peace together as a family. All my very best wishes, Mandy.

  5. sharon from treddafydd farm says:

    John I am so sad to hear this news . My thoughts are with you. No words can help I know. Hugs thru the ether to you all

  6. adamfeather says:

    So sorry to hear your news. I pray that you would all be strengthened at this time and that time would bring deep healing. My thoughts are with you, Adam.

  7. Sharon says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss.xx

  8. John says:

    Thank you everyone for the kind thoughts. I should have posted that we did get to hold him for a little while and what a beautiful little chap he was.
    His parents are holding together well under the circumstance and supporting each other. I just wish we could take the pain from them.

  9. Margaret says:

    I am so sorry to hear your sad news. You and your family are in my thoughts.

  10. Janet says:

    Sincere condolences to you and your family at this very sad time.

  11. Madcat says:

    I’m so sorry. We walked that road with the death of my nephew, my sister’s first and our parent’s first grandchild too. I think it hurts grandparents most of all; they have all the grief of the parents and want to protect their own child too. Take care of yourselves as well as them. All the best ….. xxxx

  12. Linda says:

    So sorry for your loss, a very sad time for you all.Take care of each other. Linda

  13. Archie says:

    So sorry to hear your news John, very sad. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  14. Patricia Healey says:

    So sorry John and your family. Please accept my deepest sympathies. Glad to hear that you are standing together as a family, that is the only strength there is xx

  15. Allan says:

    So sorry to hear this sad news ….our thoughts are with you and the rest of your family …….I really hope your daughter and son in law can get through this and see that things will eventually get a little easier .

  16. Bettina says:

    So sorry for your loss! My thoughts and prayers ar with you and your family. I wish all of you, especially your daughter and son in law strength and peace in this difficult time of grief!

  17. Ann says:

    so sorrry to read about sad loss of your grandson, my thoughts are with you

  18. Debz says:

    So sorry to hear your news. I had been thinking about your family and wondering when we were going to hear news of the baby but I certainly didn’t expect that kind of news. Thoughts go with you and your family.

  19. HLS says:

    So sorry to hear this. Thinking of all of you.

  20. AlexW says:

    My thoughts are with you both, your daughter and son-in-law.

    Having lost our first daughter after 7 precious hours I can go some way to understand the hurt you all will be going through. I am also conscious there is little anyone can do or say to make it any easier.

    Having been involved with a baby loss group following our experience PM me if you feel you need any information or support.

  21. Helen says:

    So terribly sorry to hear of your family’s sad loss. Thinking of you all.

  22. Allan says:

    Please convey my sincere condolences to your family. I cannot imagine what emotions you are going though at this time.

    All I can say, is that time will heal, you will never forget but, it will get better with time.

    Gods speed.


  23. John Taylor says:

    So sorry about your loss .i hope all your family get through this as I can see by the relies it has touched the hearts of lots of people.
    My thoughts are with you and your family.

  24. brown thumb says:

    just caught up with this thread so sorry for you and your familys loss i know a little of what your going though i lost a great gran child recently and her brother is very poorly still in hospital my thoughts are with you and your family

  25. Paul Thatcher says:

    Im so very sorry for your loss x

  26. sharon says:

    deepest sympathy,to all from down under in australia

  27. Pete C says:

    I’ve been away from the forum for a few days and have only just seen this. That was a terrible thing to happen. I have a lump in my throat. Condolences to you and all the family.

  28. dave lawson says:

    We are so sorry for your sad loss…

    we are thinking of you at this sad time…. Dave

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