Celery and Sweet Pepper Pickle Recipe
Recipe for Celery and Sweet Pepper Pickle. A crunchy pickle that is excellent with fish dishes and cold meats. Makes about 3 lbs (1.4 kg) of pickle.
My favourite pickles recipes.
Recipe for Celery and Sweet Pepper Pickle. A crunchy pickle that is excellent with fish dishes and cold meats. Makes about 3 lbs (1.4 kg) of pickle.
Recipe for Pickled Gherkins with Dill. Serve with ham and other boiled meats. Makes about 3 lbs (1.4 kg).
Recipe for Sweet and Sour Melon Pickle. Delicious served with sea food, especially prawns or shrimps served in their shells. Also goes well with salads.
Recipe for Courgette and Onion Pickle. Particularly good with both ham and lamb dishes but can also accompany cheeses.
Recipe for Bread and Butter Pickles. The perfect accompaniment to your sandwiches and cold meats. Also a way to use up some of the glut of cucumbers!
With cucumbers, it seems that you go from none to that many you don't know what to do with them! This recipe will make about 4 lbs of cucumber pickle.
Recipe for Beetroot and Orange Preserve - an easy to make, sweet and spicy preserve that is great with cold meats and cheese.
Recipe for Onion Pickle. Makes 1 to 1¼ lbs (500g) . This pickle needs to be refrigerated and used up within a month but you'll have eaten it before that!
Recipe for Sweet Green Pickle. Makes about 5.5kg (12lb) and the vegetables can vary with the seasons so a good way to use up gluts and surplus
Recipe for Sweet Cucumber Fridge Pickle. If you have an over productive cucumber patch try this - will keep for 2 weeks if you can leave it alone!
Recipe for Pickled Mushrooms. Best if left for at least 2 weeks before using to allow the mushroom flavours to develop and strengthen.
Recipe for Pickled Eggs. A British pub and chip shop standard. Allow about 3 weeks before you start on the eggs to allow the vinegar to permeate.
Recipe for Pickled Cucumber. Best if left for 4 weeks before using.
Recipe for Pickled Beetroot. You can use boiling spiced vinegar instead - this makes the storage life longer and it retains the colour.
Recipe for Pickled Onions. Leave for a couple of months before using. If you want a sweeter pickled onion, add a teaspoon of sugar to each jar of onions.
Recipe for Pickled Red Cabbage can be used for white cabbage. Ready after 1 week but if you keep it longer than 10 - 12 weeks it will loose its crispness.
Recipe for Red Cabbage and Onion Pickle. Ready after 1-2 weeks and goes particularly well with all type of sausages. Makes about 3 lb (1.7 kg) of Pickle.
Recipe for Beetroot and Horseradish Pickle. Makes about 2½ lbs (1.35 kg) of Pickle. An unusual combination of flavours that works surprisingly well.
Recipe for Pickled Peppers. Makes about 3 lbs (1.4 kg) of Pickled Peppers. Allow 6 weeks for the complex flavours to develop fully.
Recipe of Hot Piccalilli. A combination of most vegetables can be used for Picalilli but root vegetables don't tend to work very well.
Recipe for Mild Piccalilli. A combination of most vegetables can be used for Picalilli but root vegetables don’t tend to work very well.
Recipe for Mathews' Marrow Pickle. This recipe is probably over 200 years old Delicious with cold meats and cheese Useful for over grown courgettes as well
Recipe for Spiced Pickled Eggs. If you keep hens and have a glut, this is an ideal way to handle some of the surplus. Leave for 4 - 6 weeks before opening.
Recipe for Pickled French Beans. Store in a cool, dark place until required. Makes about 4 lb (1.8 kg) of flavour filled pickle
Recipe for Damson Pickle. Traditionally this is made with whole damsons but we prefer it with halved and stoned damsons. Makes around 5 lb (2.3 kg).
Recipe for Pear Pickle. If there is any syrup left over bottle it, as the pears may need topping up during storage. Makes around 5 lb (2.3 kg).
Recipe for Peach Pickle. If there is any syrup left over bottle it, as the peaches may need topping up during storage. Makes around 5 lb (2.3 kg).
Recipe for Cauliflower and Tomato Pickle. Makes about 2.3. kg (5 lbs) of Cauliflower and Tomato Pickle. Ready to eat in about 4 weeks.
Recipe for Mixed Pickle. For an extra kick, add 1 dried chilli pepper to each jar A good standard pickle that goes well with a traditional ploughman's lunch
Recipe for Tangy Piccalilli A variation on standard piccalilli The only constant with piccalilli is the turmeric which gives the distinctive yellow colour.
Recipe for Green Bean Pickle . A great way to use that glut of runner beans, storing for use until the next crop is here.