Traditional Cheese Making Equipment
Many of us who grow our own like to take it further and home dairying is increasing in popularity. Making your own butter and yoghurt is very easy. Cheese making is a little more difficult but with care you can make both soft and hard cheeses in your kitchen.
We show how to make butter, yoghurt and a cottage cheese without any special equipment or ingredients. We’ve also a series on cheese making by the late Katie Thear who first made cheese on her parent’s smallholding in their home dairy on the Llyn Peninsular – near where we live now.
A greatly missed pioneer and activist in the self-sufficiency and small scale farming movements and also an expert poultry keeper.
Home Dairy Articles
Making Your Own Butter at Home - How To Make Butter
Making butter is remarkably easy and very satisfying. In recent years the concerns about fats, cholesterol and heart disease have made butter an almost taboo food but I believe that, like most natural foods, in moderation it will do no harm. I have even...
Home Made Yoghurt - How to Make Yoghurt
Making yoghurt at home is really easy, with no need for a fancy yoghurt maker. All you need is milk, a starter culture, a jar, and some warmth!
There are two ways to make natural yoghurt and it depends on whether you are using standard pasteurised...
Home Cheese Making
How to Make Your Own Cheese at Home
Making cheese at home is something most people would never think of yet it is remarkably easy in principle. Home cheesemaking can be a fun hobby, a method of storing milk that would otherwise sour or even a business...
Cheese Making Basic Guide, Tutorial - Home Made Cheese
Making cheese need not be difficult as long as attention is paid to the quality and handling of the milk, hygienic procedures are followed and the appropriate equipment is used. It is appropriate to look at what processes are involved and what equipment...
Cheese Making Equipment for Making Cheese at Home
The amount of equipment needed obviously depends on the scale of operations. For the home producer, many existing kitchen items can be used, but there are specialist suppliers who cater for both commercial producers and hobbyists.
Cheese Vat...
Milk & Starter Cultures - Ingredients for Making Cheese
Milk is obviously the main ingredient for cheese and may be from cows, goats or dairy sheep. There are also some that use buffalo milk.
Cheese Making Milk
Milk is obviously the main ingredient and may be from cows, goats or dairy sheep. There...
Cheese Making - Ingredients for Making Cheese at Home - Rennet, Salt, Herbs etc
The ingredients for making cheese haven't changed since people discovered how to save summer gluts of milk to see them through the lean winter times.
In cheesemaking, it is not always convenient to have coagulation at a very acid level;...
Making Cheddar Cheese at Home
Making Cheddar Cheese at Home. This hard cheese is one of the great cheeses of the world. It is usually made with cow's milk, but I frequently made it from goat's milk. Goat and ewe's milk both produce a slightly softer curd than cow's milk, and they...
How to Make Your Own Cottage / Curd Cheese at Home
This 'cheat's' cottage cheese is easy to make and uses no special ingredients, not even rennet. It's handy if you find yourself with some milk about to turn.
Making Cottage or Curd Cheese
A lot of people are put off the idea of making cheese...