Sweetcorn & Runner Bean Relish Recipe
Recipe for Sweetcorn and Runner Bean Relish. A good accompaniment for chicken, fish and vegetables and delicious in pasta salads and fried rice.
My favourite relish recipes.
Recipe for Sweetcorn and Runner Bean Relish. A good accompaniment for chicken, fish and vegetables and delicious in pasta salads and fried rice.
Recipe for Sweet Pepper Relish. Lovely mixed with cream cheese and spread on crackers or used as a glaze for pork and chicken.
Recipe for Hot and Spicy Red Pepper Relish. You can adjust the hotness of this by varying the amount and type of chillies in the recipe.
Recipe for Cucumber and Green Tomato Relish. Makes 3 -4 lbs (1.4 kg - 1.8 kg) of relish. Another way to use up some of those green tomatoes!
Recipe for Sweet Corn and Pepper Relish. A barbecue without a sweetcorn relish just isn't a barbecue. It works even better with vegetarian burgers.
Recipe for Curry Relish. Strangely this doesn't work well with curry but it really brightens sausages up. Makes about 3 lbs (1.4 kg) of relish.
Recipe for Beetroot, Cabbage and Horseradish Relish. The amount of horseradish can be varied depending on whether you like it strong or mild.
Recipe for Chilli Pepper Relish. A relish with attitude! You can vary the hotness by altering the amount and type of chillies.
Recipe for Mustard Relish. An essential accompaniment for hot dogs. Also goes well with burgers. Makes about 4 lbs (1.8 kg) of Mustard Relish.
Recipe for Tomato Relish. No cooking at all! This uncooked relish has a really fresh summery taste. Makes about 5 lbs (2.3 kg) of Tomato Relish.
Recipe for Tomato and Pepper Relish. An easy way to preserve the taste of summer. Makes about 4 lbs (2 kg) of relish.
Recipe for Cucumber and Pepper Relish. A great way to use cucumbers and peppers and save the taste of summer for the winter. Makes about 1lb 12 oz (750 g).