
These articles on methods of making preserves cover both sweet preserves like fruit curds and savoury relishes and pickles.

PreservesIn our modern world with 24 hour shopping, cans in the cupboard and a deep freeze full of ready meals, it’s hard to imagine the difficulties our ancestors had just keeping foods edible from harvest to harvest. Preserving food wasn’t a hobby to them, it was a matter of survival!

The first people to record some of their methods were the Romans and they are known to have made jams to keep fruit for the winter. Fruit preserves are mentioned in “On the subject of cooking” by Marcus Gavius Apicius commonly just known as Apicius today.

The  Romans had a sophisticated cuisine and, of course, range of cookware and implements.


Fruit Butters & Cheeses

Fruit Butters & Cheeses

Fruit butters and fruit cheese are old-fashioned names for preserves made with fruit puree and sugar. Generally the fruits used for jellies are also the best ones for butter and cheeses and they can even be made from the pulp left in the jelly bag after...
Fruit Curds - How To Make Fruit Curd

Fruit Curds - How To Make Fruit Curd

Fruit curds are not strictly speaking a preserve, although you'll find lemon curd on the shop shelf next to the jams. Whatever, curds are delicious and versatile. They make a great filling for tarts and cakes as well as thickly spread on bread and butter....
How to Make Your Own Ketchups & Sauces

How to Make Your Own Ketchups & Sauces

Sauces and ketchups (catsup) are very similar although, generally, ketchups have a slightly thinner consistency than sauces. Sauces are rubbed through a sieve to give a smooth mixture and then cooked again until they are thick enough not to separate...
Pickles - How to Make Pickles

Pickles - How to Make Pickles

Pickles can range from a simple single ingredient pickle to a complex mixed pickle like Piccalilli. The final flavour, especially with the simple pickles, will depend heavily on the vinegar used. See our article on Making Spiced & Flavoured Vinegars,...
Relishes - How to Make Relishes at Home

Relishes - How to Make Relishes at Home

Relishes tend to be half way between a chutney and a pickle in that, though they use the same kinds of fruits and vegetables, the finished texture is different. The fruit or vegetables are cut into small pieces or coarsely chopped and a combination of...
How to Make Jam, Jellies & Marmalade

How to Make Jam, Jellies & Marmalade

These articles cover the basic methods and rules for making jams, jellies and marmalades. Once you have mastered these, it is far easier to adapt and alter recipes for your own tastes. The first people to record some of their methods were the Romans...
Chutneys - How to Make Chutney

Chutneys - How to Make Chutney

Chutneys originated in India – the name derived from the Hindu word chatni . They then came back to Britain with explorers where they were a hit and are now a very popular preserve all over the world. The scope of chutneys is endless and t...
Oils & Vinegar

Oils & Vinegar

Articles, information and tips on using oils and vinegars. People have used oils and vinegars for flavouring and storing foods for thousands of years. You have to wonder who first had the idea of using spoilt wine as a condiment or putting those...

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