Blackberry Brandy Recipe
Recipe for Blackberry Brandy. Scrumptious on a cold winter's evening or mixed with iced lemonade on hot summer's evening if you have any left by then.
Recipes using Blackberries in the ingredients.
Recipe for Blackberry Brandy. Scrumptious on a cold winter's evening or mixed with iced lemonade on hot summer's evening if you have any left by then.
Recipe for Apple and Blackberry Slump. Despite the fact this has got ½ lb of mascarpone in it, a jug of custard really is a must, or cream or icecream!
Recipe for Fruit Roll dessert. Like a Swiss roll but using a plain sponge and soft fruit with a fruit sauce. Delightful with a dollop of whipped cream.
Recipe for Blackberry Curd. Makes a great filling for tarts and cakes as well as thickly spread on bread and butter. Makes about 5 lbs (2.3 kg).
Recipe for Blackberry and Apple Jam. Ripe Blackberries are lacking in pectin, hence problems with set without the apples. Makes about 6 lbs (2.7 kg) of jam
Recipe for Blackberry Jelly. Can be tricky as Blackberries have only medium pectin and acid content at best and the late ones are decidedly lacking in both.