Spiced Cranberry Shrub Recipe
Recipe for Spiced Cranberry Shrub. Shrub is a name which is borrowed from the Arabs - fruit sherbet drink. Makes 4 glasses and takes 5 minutes.
Recipes using cranberries as an ingredient.
Recipe for Spiced Cranberry Shrub. Shrub is a name which is borrowed from the Arabs - fruit sherbet drink. Makes 4 glasses and takes 5 minutes.
Recipe for Cranberry Chutney. Chutneys make fantastic presents because they improve with age and go brilliantly with Christmas cheeses and cold meats.
Recipe for Spiced Plum Chutney. Makes a lovely Christmas gift and, if you're not a huge fan of jams, a good way to use up some plums to good result.
Recipe for Cranberry Sauce. What could be better as a Christmas Gift? It works well with duck, goose or chicken as well as turkey though.
Recipe for Cranberry Cheese. Can be turned out in one piece and cut with a knife in place of cheese or, cut into small pieces, as a sweetmeat.
Recipe for Cranberry Jelly. The traditional accompaniment to the Christmas Turkey. This standard recipe can be enhanced with the addition of a little brandy