Blog Archives

Building Greenhouse Bench, Planting Potatoes and Broad Beans

Finished the greenhouse staging, planting potatoes in a new deep bed coldframe and broad beans. It was more like summer than spring.

Potato Chitting, Seed Sorting and National Vegetable Society

Raining again so indoors again. Chitting potatoes ? what's the big deal? Seed sorting begins and the creative team design a poster for the NVS

Potatoes and Free Seeds Arrive

Wading through mud and the potatoes arrive. Leek, radish, carrot, lettuce and runner beans seeds arrive as well

Organic Way, Storing the Surplus and Leafmould

Yet more leaf moving, interesting article I read in the Organic Way and another article added to the site

Potatoes Sarpo Mira, Sarpo Axona, Anya and Adora

The hard job of placing a potato order and how I gave up ordering garlic! First visit to the plot for a while and a greenhouse.

Rabbits and Rats on the Allotment

Wildlife on the site, final potatoes harvested and started spreading leafmould.

Layer Cake Compost Heap

Rebuilding compost heaps, pumpkin hiding place revealed and potato sorting.

A Great Potato Harvest

Potatoes coming out of our ears! A really great potato harvest

Harvesting Sarpo Mira Potatoes

Comparing Potato Cultivars Sarpo Mira and Valor

Potato harvest finally takes off and they're great! Comparing Sarpo Mira and Valor for blight resistance, slug resistance, yield, taste and keeping qualities.

Carrying on the Potato Harvest

Weekend weather didn't live up to promise and even had to work but managed to get a few hours to carry on the potato harvest

Increasing Allotment Security

Tree surgery to increase allotment security, weather protection and starting to harvest the maincrop potatoes.

Slugs Eating Tomatoes

Tomatoes and those slugs. From large brown ones with a red frill around the edge to tiny black ones all slugs seem to have one aim. To eat my tomatoes!

Harvesting, Blanching and Freezing Runner and French Beans

A weekend of harvesting and blanching and freezing. On Saturday we gathered a carrier bag of French beans, one of broad beans, some runner beans and yet more courgettes.

Harvesting Potatoes Orla and Anya. Slug Damage a Problem

Potato harvest continues. The last half row of the first early Orla had a good yield but the recent rain has spurred the slugs into a feeding frenzy - hardly any are untouched.

Salad Crops, Cauliflowers and Potatoes Harvesting

Harvest continues and the French beans discovered in hiding. Yet more courgettes - the yellow ones look really dramatic - and then I noticed a climbing French bean. Hiding beneath the leaves were about half a carrier bag full!

Harvesting Potatoes and Watering Potatoes

Potato harvest and more watering. The soil is pretty solid but with some grunting managed to get the fork in and the spuds up. Divided the potatoes into 3 piles. Good, Bad and Indifferent

September 2024

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