Organic Way, Storing the Surplus and Leafmould

Yet more leaves

It must be pretty boring, reading day after day of moving leaves into the cages. Well, I find it more tiring doing it than you can reading about it! The good news is that both cages are now full. I topped up plot 29’s cage then stapled the wire front back on the plot 5 cage and filled it. About a dozen barrow loads lifted over the wire.

Two hours solid left me with an ache in my shoulder and pretty filthy! It’s the road muck on the leaves. So to home and jeans and gilet to the washing machine.

Allotment Article

There was an interesting article in the Organic Way magazine that arrived today. That’s the journal of the HDRA as was or Garden Organic as it is now called. It was about some run down allotments in London and how a local group had revived them. They really promoted them and, with co-operation from the council, have gone from low occupancy to a waiting list for a site with well tended plots, communal childrens play areas and a great spirit.

Many of the occupants are from different countries and bring their own distinctive methods and crops to the site. One thing I envy when reading about some sites in big cities is the ethnic diversity which brings those differing methods and skills.

The recent influx of people from Poland into our area may go some way to that here.

New Article on the site

Talking of allotment articles, I’ve added another article which I hope people will find useful.
Storing the Surplus – Potatoes and Root Vegetables


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