Compost Heap Steaming and Listing Seeds

Steaming Heap

Took a stroll down to the plot late afternoon. It was grotty weather again this morning and I’d been stuck to the computer all day so some fresh air was needed.

The site was deserted and quite, dusk just starting. I noticed the wood chipping pile has nearly gone although there is still a good pile of leaves to go at.

Down to the bottom of plot 5 where I noticed steam rising from the compost bin with the leafy wood chippings in. Back up to plot 29 where I have a couple of large blue plastic sheets folded up.

Took one down and placed it on top of the compost heap where I hope it will keep the heat in and push the composting process along.

Back up to the shed, where I thought I had a few packs of seeds. I couldn’t find them, which goes to show I need to tidy out the shed and look for things before it goes dark!

Planning 2006

The reason I was looking for seeds in the shed is that I want to start planning for next year. The first job is to look what seeds I have ‘in stock’.  Knowing that seeds will often keep longer than the packet states, I always keep half packs. I also suffer from ‘bargainitis’. I walk into a shop and find seeds reduced, I do a supermarket sweep.

It amazes me that a store will dump seeds out at 75% off when they have years left on their shelf life. Perhaps the profit margins are even greater than I thought in the seed market.

I’ve listed the stock onto a spreadsheet (posted below) and the next job will be to fill in the holes.

I have a few packets over, which will make good raffle prizes for the next meeting of the NVS.

Seed Variety Quantity Use By Rotation
Leek Lyon



Leek Autumn Mammoth Verina 1 2005 Alliums  
Leek Musselburgh 1 2005 Alliums  
Leek Musselburgh 1 2007 Alliums  
Broccoli Early Purple Sprouting 0.5 2005 Brassica  
Broccoli Early White Sprouting 0.5 2005 Brassica  
Broccoli Early White Sprouting 1 2005 Brassica  
Broccoli Early Purple Sprouting 1 2006 Brassica  
Cabbage Greyhound 0.5 2005 Brassica  
Cabbage Primo Summer 0.5 2005 Brassica  
Cabbage Ormskirk Late 0.5 2005 Brassica  
Cabbage Christmas Drumhead 1 2005 Brassica  
Cabbage Savoy King F1 1 2007 Brassica  
Cabbage Savoy January King 1 2005 Brassica  
Cabbage Chinese Blues F1 1 2006 Brassica  
Cauliflower Autumn Giant 1 2007 Brassica  
Cauliflower All Year Round 1.5 2005 Brassica  
Aubergine Black Beauty 0.5 2006 Greenhouse  
Basil Sweet Genovese 1 2007 Greenhouse  
Courgette Golden Dawn III F1 0.5 2007 Other  
Courgette Black Beauty 1 2007 Other  
Courgette Black Beauty 1.5 2005 Other  
Cucumber Lockies Perfection 0.5 2006 Salad  
Cucumber Burpless Tasty Green 1 2007 Salad  
Cucumber Tasty king F1 1 2007 Salad  
Lettuce Little Gem 1.5 2005 Salad  
Lettuce All Sorts 2 2005 Salad  
Marrow Green Bush F1 0.5 2007 Other  
Pepper Salad Festival 0.5 2006 Greenhouse  
Pepper Chili – Hot & Spicy 0.5 2006 Greenhouse  
Pepper Chili – Hot & Spicy 1 2008 Greenhouse  
Radish French Breakfast 3 1 2005 Salad  
Spring Onion Ishikura 1 2005 Salad  
Spring Onion White Lisbon 1 2005 Salad  
Tomato Garden Pearl 0.5 2007 Garden  
Tomato Big Boy 1.5 2007 Greenhouse  
Tomato Plum Roma F1 0.5 2005 Other  
Tomato Gardeners Delight 1 2007 Greenhouse  
Tomato Sungold 1.5 2008 Greenhouse  
Bean, Broad Bunyard’s Exhibition 4 2007 Legume  
French Bean (Kenya) Twiggy 1.5 2006 Legume  
French Bean Blue Lake 0.5 2006 Legume  
French Bean Cobra 0.5 2006 Legume  
French Bean Canadian Wonder 1 2005 Legume  
French Bean Canadian Wonder 1 2007 Legume  
French Bean Tender Crop Dwarf 2 2005 Legume  
Pea Hurst Greenshaft 0.5 2006 Legume Grows to 30″
Pea Kelvedon Wonder 1 2005 Legume Grows to 18″ gd to freeze
Pea Early Onwards 2 2005 Legume  
Runner Bean Streamline 0.5 2006 Legume  
Runner Bean Polestar 0.5 2006 Legume  
Runner Bean White Emergo 1 2008 Legume  
Runner Bean Relay 1.5 2006 Legume  
Squash Sunburst F1 0.5 2006 Other  
Sweet Corn Early King 4 2007 Other F1
Beet Spinach Perpetual 1 2007 Root  
Carrot Early Nantes 2 1 2007 Root First Early
Carrot Autumn King 2 1 2005 Root Maincrop
Parsnip White Gem 2 2007 Root  
Swede Best of All 1 2008 Root  

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