Slugs Eating Tomatoes

Tomatoes and slugs

Dropped down for a quick visit this afternoon to take a few snaps for the site. The plum Roma tomatoes are ripening but the slugs are active.

From large brown ones with a red frill around the edge to tiny black ones all have one aim. To eat my tomatoes!

I reckon about 20% are nibbled and about 5% ruined. Since these will be cooked I can cut the nibbles off when I prepare them. Gathered a full carrier bag and there is about twice that still too green to pick left on the plants. I’m going to turn them into a batch of tomato cooking sauce using a recipe from Allotment Lady. You meet some nice people in this game, both on the plot and on the website.

Many of those I tomatoes I picked today are not quite ripe but I figured better to finish them off at home rather than leave them for the slugs. The best and most ripe were the ones eaten into, of course.

Next year I’ll allow more room for the tomatoes – they were a bit crowded this year. The weed supressant fabric does help keep the slugs off as well. They can’t hide in the ground so easily.

The tomatoes in the growhouse are ripening slowly. Normally I’m pretty good with tomatoes but this has not been my best year by a long chalk.

Next I picked a cucumber (just one plant required next year) and some strawberries. Considering this is the first year, they are very productive.

I think I’ll start a page of notes for next year – I’ll never remember everything I’m mentioning otherwise. I’m also work on a system to allow other people to keep their online diary on the site. Bit complex as I don’t want to just use a pre-written script. That would work but would lose the style on here. All good fun.

The potatoes will need to be harvested soon. Time to see how the Sarpo variety fares against the Valor maincrop potatoes. No sign of blight in them although there doesn’t seem to be much blight around yet generally.

Back home with the booty.

The cat is doing well, by the way. He’s not too happy at being dressed like a lampshade but all seems to be healing well. He’s asleep on my knee as I type this.


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