Allotment Thief and Harvesting Squash, Carrots and Turnips


Glorious afternoon so down to the plot around 4pm. Lawrence (the allotment rep) was just leaving and asked me if I had seen anyone strange on the site as some of his tomatoes have gone missing. He wasn’t so much bothered as puzzled.

No I hadn’t and thought no more about it. Walked over to my plot and the squash and marrows have gone off the table. Top of the coldframe is broken in too.

I know we have kids who come on to the allotment at night – found the odd beer bottle and contraceptive – but kids wouldn’t really want marrows. So an adult. Now none of the sheds appear broken into so we have a hard up gourmet with taste.

Bad thing is I think it is a fellow allotment holder with a key or someone who had an allotment and still has a site key. I’ll discuss this with Lawrence tomorrow when we are off to visit another site in the morning.

Whoever the thief is, I hope it chokes them. Feel really disheartened by this.  It’s not the value in monetary terms, maybe a tenner? I was really pleased with those. Would have given someone one if they had asked.

After this I harvested the rest of the suburst yellow squash, bag of carrots and turnips, some courgettes and then went home, taking them with me. First I locked up the hosepipe and ensured the locks were on.


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