Yearly Archives: 2013

Building Greenhouse Base

The greenhouse base is nearly finished so construction can start and the mystery carrot munching creature identified without CSI Gwynedd

Creating a Herb Bed

We've always liked is having fresh herbs available for cooking so I'm creating a herb bed in the sheltered, sunny plot to the south side of the house along with a salad bed

Sun Snails & Leeks

Hot sun means watering - some tips and fighting the slugs and snails who sneak out at night to eat my leek seedlings

Good Soil for Good Cauliflowers

Some thoughts on what can be causing cauliflowers to blow and how this is related to the soil and nutrients,

Cold Weather & Tour Around the Plot

It's cold, I'm concerned for the future prospects and a tour around the plot. Are the potatoes ready or not and what's happened to the carrots.

Clearing ground for the greenhouse

Moving the greenhouse to a less windy spot so the first job is to prepare the ground for it and removing the tree and stump from the middle of the patch.

New Site, New Veg Plot

Bringing the new web site on line and, having accepted the original plan was wrong, starting a new vegetable plot.

Problems, panics and a new grandson

I’d best start with an apology for not having posted anything all month. They say it never rains but it pours and that’s proven very true. It’s been an incredibly busy month for us with complications thrown in on top.

Two Good Ideas

Recycling plastic pots and recycling kitchen waste. A couple of new approaches to solve old problems

Planting Potatoes

Planting out potatoes in raised beds. Just 5 varieties this year.

Clearing up and repairing

We're still waiting for spring to really arrive so nothing much to report from the plot. We've had a slightly warmer weekend but it's chilly all the same.

What to do?

What to do on the plot since it is still winter but should be spring!


No Spring, No Greenhouse Either

Strong winds have destroyed my lovely greenhouse. It's tangled metal and broken glass.

Forum and Web Site Changes

We've updated our forums and gone back to our old home pages. An explanation.

Very Early Potatoes

A couple of days last week we had the sunniest places in Britain and we've got sunshine and blue skies for a few days to come.

Liars and Cheats

We hate the weasel words from the mouths of corporate borgs

Splitting Wood and Sawing

Fine weather, in N Wales, is defined as not raining and wind that doesn't blow you off your feet. So I'm getting a bit of time outside on the plot

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