Two Good Ideas

A couple of good ideas I’d like to share with you. Hey, it’s better than moaning about rain and slugs.. or drought and slugs …

Recycling Pots

If we go back in gardening time, one of the biggest differences we’d notice would be with the pots. All would be clay pots, perhaps made in Stoke-on-Trent rather than some province of China.

They were heavy, tended to dry out as the water evaporated through the sides, cracked and broke easily and were actually quite expensive. But they did have charm! Now we have plastic pots, churned out for pennies by the millions. They’re tougher, longer lasting, hold water better and even come in a square shape to use less space on the potting bench.

So what’s the problem? you may ask. Well it’s the cheapness and sheer number of these pots. Every day thousands are just thrown away and dumped in landfill. They’re that cheap, people don’t care.

Some good garden centres now have a box where you can put and take unwanted pots. Great idea!

Recycling Kitchen Waste

The next good idea is about composting. Composting green waste is usual (I hope!) but composting food waste has problems. Throwing cooked food waste into a normal compost bin will result in attracting vermin, flies and unpleasant smells.

In large part this is due to normal composting be slow and cool rather than fast and hot. Here’s a compost bin that keeps the contents hot, which promotes fast conversion from smelly waste to rich garden compost.
I’ll let you know how I get on with it.

Posted in Tools & Stuff
One comment on “Two Good Ideas
  1. Su says:

    Been wondering about thes hot bins for some time John, so really pleased to see you are tring one. I gather it takes weeks, not months, or a result. Will await your report with interest.

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