Yearly Archives: 2010

Harvesting & Weeding

Harvest continues, some disappointments and some successes. Especially happy with my cauliflowers.

Petrol Shredder Chipper

I've acquired a brilliant petrol shredder / chipper for when we move to the smallholding.

French Allotments

A shopping trip to France and this time we managed to get quite near to an allotment site and take some photos.

Gardening, Harvest & About Allotments

On Saturday it was the garden that got some love, Worse than any weed in our garden is the Russian vine. Its growth rate is phenomenal. The original idea was to provide a fast covering for the back fence, which

Thinking Ahead – Our Attitude to Food

Some thoughts on why the government should be increasing allotment provision now as Britain is particularly at risk from food shortages.

Swapping Waste Vegetables for Eggs

Bolted lettuce and cabbage outer leaves need not be waste - feed your poultry on them and turn them into eggs.

Beans & Tomato Blight

A good long afternoon on the allotment, outdoor tomatoes killed by blight and up with the last of the broad beans.

On the move & enjoying the harvest

We're moving to a smallholding, with luck. In the meantime enjoying the harvest including a couple of lovely cauliflowers.

Slow Progress Against Weeds, Great Harvests

Being away has kept me off the plot, but still managed to get a bit done and the harvest is coming along well.

Onions, Artichokes, Beans & Green Manure

A great day on the plot: onions set to drying, broad beans and globe artichokes to eat and sowing green manures.

Enough Rain, Thanks

Rain stops play after spam delays the start! And to spray or not to spray, that is the question.

Permaculture – The Earth Care Manual

Reviewing a book on Permaculture - The Earth Care Manual by Patrick Whitefield

Hosepipe Ban Update

Important info for those affected by the hosepipe ban in the north west

Harvesting Potatoes, Still Very Dry

Harvesting the traveller potatoes, boosting sweetcorn, hoeing and the brassicas are looking fantastic.

Tired Soil or Sick Soil

Failing tomatoes in the greenhouse could be a sign of sick or tired soil.

Life is just a bowl of cherries

Great result from the cherry tree and strawberry beds, but the star today was the garlic harvest. Despite planting late, great crop.

Congratulations to Marshalls

Marshalls Seeds have managed to bag a gold medal at the Hampton Court Show which runs until Sunday 11th July

Hosepipe Ban

A bit of a rant about the hosepipe ban that applies from Friday

July 2024

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