Slow Progress Against Weeds, Great Harvests

I’m afraid I haven’t got much done on the plot in the last week. We’ve been away for a few days in Wales and Friday was spent in London. I really don’t know how people survive in the city, all that concrete! My publisher treated me to lunch and unusually for restaurant meals, the vegetables were lovely. Normally I sit there thinking “these vegetables don’t have much taste” This one was nice though, although it cost them our weekly food budget!

I Hate Horsetail!!

Having only managed a few hours on the plot in total, the weeds are winning again. I resorted to spraying Roundup on paths, double strength on the horsetail that’s coming back on plot 29.

I’ve got to say it’s a drawback of an allotment. I’d more or less eliminated the horsetail from the plot but it’s creeping back in from the plots to either side and the path. I’ve got a suspicion that it is also in the wood chippings we get delivered to the site on occasion. The blessed stuff has appeared in a couple of places on plot 5 as well.

The problem is that, like bindweed, the roots snake along under the surface before popping up yet more foliage and whatever you call seed heads that make spores. I’d completely cleared it from the raised beds on plot 29 but it’s back.

It’s not all moaning and groaning though, the brassicas are coming on incredibly well inside the Wonderwall. Got some lovely firm ball cabbages ready to harvest and the cauliflowers are coming on well.

Loads of broad beans, courgettes, cucumbers and the tomatoes will be ripening soon. The sweetcorn is coming on well and the squashes and pumpkins are going mad trying to take over the whole plot.

The carrots in the barrels are doing very nicely, the thinnings are delicious and about as thick as my little finger.

In the home greenhouse the peppers have loads of fruit developing, they’re doing much better than the ones in the border at the allotment. Something is eating at the leaves though. I’ve checked them over very carefully and can’t figure what’s doing it. I thought snails but I can’t find any. It’s not life-threatening but it is annoying. I think I’ll check as it goes dark in case something shows.

We’re away again for a few days this week so its going to be tricky to get down to the plot much. We’re staying with a friend who’s a marvellous chef, retired now, and will be taking some veg and a Grannie Annie chicken for him. Can’t wait to see what he makes of them.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary
One comment on “Slow Progress Against Weeds, Great Harvests
  1. archibtbm says:

    i found caterpillars were eating my peppers in the greenehouse, but did not touch the chillies. Ended up giving them a spray to get rid of the blighters

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