Pests & problems

Information about pests and problems that affect the growing of vegetables and the answer to them (where one exists, of course!)

Potatoes Affected by Aminopyralid

Aminopyralid Herbicide in Manure Problem is Back

Aminopyralid is a persistent, selective herbicide that has caused gardeners problems. Crops have been lost and plots taken out of production for a year.

New Blight Free Tomato – Armillatox End of an Era

Suttons seeds have announced a new tomato variety, Crimson Crush, that they claim to be resistant to all the common blight strains in the UK and is this the end for Armillatox as we know it?

Giant Ants

Ant Problems, Snails & Slugs

How to get rid of ants on the plot and in the house along with some tips for keeping slugs and snails down.

Herbicides & Pesticides

Some thoughts on the subject of being given a bottle of weed killer or pesticide by a farming friend

Pesky Rabbits and Treating Woodworm

Dealing with rabbits, I have a confession to make. And what not to do when treating woodworm.

Construction Worker with finished Wonderwall

Protecting Brassicas from Birds & Butterflies

Weeding, watering and building a large netting cloche to protect the brassicas from birds and butterflies

Testing For Aminopyralid in Manure

Dow AgroSciences launch website about the aminopyralid in manure problem

What to do if you have Aminopyralid Contaminated Manure

What to do if you have toxic manure or suspect your manure is contaminated with Aminopyralid.

Contaminated Manure Aminopyralid Update

Some photos of potatoes and beans affected by contaminated manure

Aminopyralid Herbicide Residue in Manure Killing Crops

New and sadly popular herbicide Aminopyralid is causing problems by contaminating manures and killing rather than feeding crops.

Club Root Resistant Brassicas

Clubroot is the worst problem facing brassica (cabbage tribe) growers but the answer lies in new clubroot resistant varieties of cabbages and cauliflower

Controlling Red Spider Mite Biologically

You can completely eradicate red spidermites from a greenhouse using a natural predator. Organic and safe as well as effective and easy to use.

Controlling Slugs with Nemaslug Nematodes

Nemaslug nematodes biological slug control offers an environmentally friendly method of killing the gardener's worst enemy.

Whitefly on Pepper Leaves and Compost

Controlling Whitefly with Parasitic Wasps Encarsia Formosa

Controlling whitefly biologically is not just environmentally friendly but is also more effective in a greenhouse situation.

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