Real Harvest Starts
We started the harvest with 2 carrier bags of broad beans and 1 of peas. Nest the blanching and freezing. The courgettes are starting too – the Golden Dawn are certainly yellow.
Planted cabbage and beans
Decided what to do with the almost clear onion bed on plot 29. First I rotovated – it only took 10 minutes with the Merry Tiller – and then planted 8 primo cabbages under the cage. The rest of the patch got green manure agricultural mustard.
The Tendercrop dwarf French beans got planted at the top of plot 5.
Weeded the salad bed and sowed more radish and spring onions. There’s not much more to do for a few days!
Noticed a few more shoots around – I keep digging them out as much as possible. Nope I will not need to use any amicide on them. There is some on the path, which I will spray and let the poison get into its roots. In 8 weeks it will combine with oxygen to form sulphate of ammonia and rot the wood chippings down a bit faster.
As I write at 11pm, it is pouring down and thundering – this should give everything a boost as the soil is dry. Beans, peas and potatoes really are thirsty plants and it looks like they’re getting a good drink tonight.
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