Rebuilding the Greenhouse and Lawn Care

Greenhouse Construction

Dropped down to the plot and the first job was a final search of the shed for the missing bracket. No joy there, of course, so took a bracket off a greenhouse that is being skipped because the frame got all twisted and bent in the winter winds.

Took that bracket and one of my brackets home where some metalwork ensued and soon I had a duplicate from the template.

Back to the plot to commence construction. I got the pot full of greenhouse bits out and discovered there were no nuts and bolts. The greenhouse has quite a few bolts and considerably fewer nuts left in the frame so I know I am going to need more. Down to Wilkinson’s where they had one packet of greenhouse bolts left on the shelf and no more due in until Tuesday. At ?1.49 for 15, I didn”t think them a bargain but worse was to come. Down to Focus who had similar bolts at 3.49 for 20. Only 75% more for a product that costs pennies to make in the first place.

Back to the plot where Larry came over to help in the Meccano construction. We built the lower sides up and then decided to start on the roof trusses. Part of the plan is to use up as many pieces as we can on the easy parts so there are fewer bits left to confuse the issue when we get to the complex parts.

During the day the clouds had gradually come over and by this stage the sky was quite threatening. It really felt like a downpour was due so when it started to rain I quickly packed up and headed for home.

Lawn Care

Despite the threat, as I write this the downpour has yet to come. This gave me a chance to mow the lawn at home. I don?t mind mowing the lawn but the job before that does not make my top ten list. With three cats that don?t leave the back garden, a present patrol is essential prior to mowing.

The back lawn is getting a little weedy so some time was spent extracting dandelions with my penknife. I then thought I?d use a tip from Mr Flowerdew and limed the lawn. The idea is that it reduces the acidity and weeds rather like acid soils and the lime sticks to the broad-leaved weeds, further knocking them back. Bit concerned about lime on the cat?s paws so hoping it does rain as promised soon.

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