Allotment Garden Diary

My diary of my attempts, success and failures growing vegetables, fruit, herbs and gardening on an allotment.sized vegetable plot with a garden as well

Strawberries, Spuds, Cucumbers, Sowing

It’s been an enjoyable, productive and busy week, both outside and in the potting shed, polytunnel and greenhouses.

Fruit Trees in Blossom

Tomatoes, Fruit Trees, Brassicas, Composting

Greenhouse tomatoes planted in border, fruit trees in heavy blossom, brassicas planted out and a Garden Tiger Moth woolly bear caterpillar!

Tea Bags

I did a little research on using tea leaves from spent tea bags in the garden bearing in mind the use of plastic in tea bag production

Greenhouse Preparations, Scarifying, Feeding Grass

Greenhouse border refreshed ready to plant. Grass areas scarified and fed to reduce the moss that was swamping it.

Tomatoes Planted in Quadgrows

Nutrigrow Vs. S-Chelate Comparison #1

Comparing S-Chelate 12 Star with Nutrigrow fertilisers in continuous feed systems like wicking pots and hydroponic systems.

Wood Chip Mulching Trees

Trees, Fruit, Potatoes, Onions.

Saturday was absolutely lovely here, blue skies and sunshine, so a chance to get ahead on some of the outside jobs.

Vitavia Greenhouse Refurbishment

I’ve finished refurbishing the Vitavia greenhouse. Hopefully it will continue giving good service for many years to come despite the storms

Bay Tree

Potato Planting, Mowing & Cleaning

Planting potatoes in front of the brassica tunnel, greenhouse glazing and washing, bay tree bed planted and parsley.

Plot on Mundford Road Allotments Thetford

Council Threat to 150 yr old Allotment Site

Thetford council are considering displacing 138 allotment holders at Mundford Road to build on. The plot holders are not happy.

Tomatoes in Vitopod Propagator

Brassicas, Tomatoes, Rent Victory

Brassica seedlings awaiting better weather, tomatoes needing more headroom as they grow and a victory for allotment holders,

Nutrigrow Replacement

Nutrigrow Replacement Fertiliser

I have found a Nutrigrow replacement fertiliser which is actually better and easier to store and use, Bumper crops with less hassle!

Brassica seedlings

Potting On

Bad weather doesn't stop me from getting on in the potting shed. Brassicas doing particularly well and the tomatoes aren't bad either.

Geopod Propagator with Grow Lights

Cold Snap, Cabbage, Germination, Grow Lights

Cold snap and snow arrive, seedlings germinating and doing well in the heated propagators. Grow lights in action again.

Seeds in Propagator

Sowing Starts, Cold Snap, Food Shortages

Started sowing under heat in the propagators. North wind doth blow and we will have snow. Farmers warning about food supply problems.

Hatfield Allotment Plot

300% Allotment Rent Hike Shock!

Allotment holders in Hatfield are facing a 300% price hike on the rent. The council tells them rents will treble this year.

Untidy Shed Interior

Tidying the Shed, Chitting Potatoes

Preparing  for the new growing season by getting the potting shed cleared for action and setting the potatoes out to chit.

Warm Month, Shortages, Raspberries, Brassicas, Polytunnel

Getting quite busy now with the fair weather. Some thoughts and comments on the current food shortages and the cause.

Parsnips, Carrots, Swede, Elephant Garlic

Parsnips, Carrots, Leeks Cook to Store

Harvested the last of the parsnips and most of the carrots. Had a cooking session, some for storing in the freezer some for now!

Envii Release Root Well Organic Plant Root Stimulant

Envii release a new product - Root Well. A blend of mycorrhizal fungi inoculant and bacteria to super charge plant growth.

Vitopod Propagators

Greenhouse Sensation What Happened & Replacements

Greenhouse Sensation ceased trading. How to get replacement products, alternative products and what happened.

May 2024

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