Geopod Propagator
Some years back we were at a dinner with the National Vegetable Society after the annual meeting. The conversation got round to Christmas.
One chap said he liked to get up early on Christmas Day and out to his shed where he would start on planting his shallots in pots. Another one of the boys said he too liked to start his shallots in pots on Christmas Day but he waited until after the Christmas dinner. The third fellow said he felt that was a little early and he went out to plant his shallots in pots on Boxing Day.
As we moved on around the room, Val turned to me and said, “The real miracle is that they’re all still married.” – Somehow I don’t think I’ll be allowed out in the potting shed or polytunnel for the next few days!
A New Toy Tool
Santa has been very good to me this year, not just a polytunnel but to help me get things away really early I’ve got a geopod propagator. It’s made by those innovative people at Greenhouse Sensations who make the Vitopod which has done me sterling service for a eight years now.
Like a Vitopod, the Geopod is a heated propagator with an extremely accurate temperature controller but it also has Sun Blaster grow lights. These are fluorescents with a special reflector that increases their efficiency.
I’ll report on how I go with it. I’ve often said that providing heat is no problem when starting seeds early. It’s the shortage of daylight that’s the problem. So I should be able to get a few things going early next year without the seedlings being weak and drawn.
Since I don’t expect to be allowed to play outside for a day or two, when I’m not on cooking or washing up duties, I’ll start working out what seeds I need for the coming season.
Merry Christmas!
I’d just like to take a moment to wish all my readers a Merry Christmas. I hope you’re having (or had) a really good time. And a big thank you to all those who are working away whilst the rest of us make merry. The people who keep our civilisation going and especially those who spend their Christmas looking after others.
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