Transplanting Tomatoes and How Not to Start a Merry Tiller

Transplanting Tomatoes and Mechanical Genius!

First job of the day was to sow some cabbage, greyhound into modules and some early purple sprouting broccoli.

Next job was to move on some tomato seedlings.

Taking a 6 cell half tray module I filled that with potting compost and brought down the Ace tomato seedlings.

These should have been done a day or two before as they were a little leggy, This doesn’t really matter too much as I am going to plant them deeply.

Then, very carefully, empty the pot and separate the seedlings; choose only the best to move on. Selecting for the healthiest plants along the way maximises eventual yield per plant.

Dib a hole nearly to the bottom of the module, then drop in the seedling. Add a little more compost and shake to seat properly.

Then water carefully and “job’s a good ‘un”.

I then moved on a dozen tomato roma (bush type) into 2?” pots. These are destined to be planted outside on the allotment.

See Growing Tomatoes

Next to the allotment.

First job was to sow 2 rows of peas, var. Hurst Greenshaft, a vigorous variety that is supposed to be high yielding.

These went under cloches to get them off to a good start. I then planted a row of Dorian, these are supposed to be a very early or fast to crop pea and placed a netting fence down the centre of the row to support them as they grow.

The plastic covered wire netting fencing was a bargain buy from Wilkinson’s, reduced from ?9.99 a roll to 9p (yes NINE PENCE!!). Unfortunately they only had 2 rolls at that price.

Mechanical Genius

Out with the Merry Tiller (I must find a name for her) and off to plot 29 to give the potato bed a go.

After 15 minutes of pulling at the starter rope to no avail, I took the spark plug out and cleaned it. Another 10 minutes of pulling and we had a brief chug.

Decided that it may be flooded so sat down for 5 and rolled a cigarette.

Another 15 minutes of pulling, playing with the choke, air filter, praying to whatever gods or spirits inhabit rotovators and they answered my prayers. “Add some petrol to the tank” came a voice from above.

Bingo! Started first time.

Managed about two thirds before the light went so back home to put cream on the nasty blister I got from pulling the starter rope.

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