Rotovating and Landscape Gardening

More rotovation and landscaping

As the boss has decided to make some alterations in the garden, paving bricks were purchased and turf dug out. So in three trips with the wheelbarrow I moved the turf to the plot and stacked it up, grass side down, to turn into loam.

Having an hour of light left, ran the Merry Tiller up and down the potato bed on plot 29. The soil still has many large clods but the loads of turkey litter, horse manure and some leaves have lightened the soil a bit.

Today I sowed some carrots (var. Amsterdam) on bed 2, plot 29 and some radish and White Lisbon spring onions on bed 4. The radish are a French variety called Flamboyant but they look like French Breakfast to me!

Started moving deep bed 3. This involved digging out both in the bed and around the bed as the sides are half buried below the path surface. Managed to undo the bolts holding the thick planks onto the uprights with the aid of some tools and WD40 but I noticed the sky going black from the west.

Beat the rain home, just. Discovered the instructions for the Merry Tiller had arrived from the chap we bought it off so some reading with my tea.

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