Preparing for Brassicas

Loaded up the car with brassicas  to take round the plot  and my portable electric drill.  I was a bit disappointed to find that although the seats fold down in the back  they’re a lot more fiddle than the old car. You have to take the headrests off. Well that’s progress. I miss the old banger, through anything in the back and go. With this car being clean and good condition it’s  hard to mistreat!

Transferred the brassicas and some leeks I’ve started off in large pots into the tent cloche. It’s critical around here to protect brassicas from the pigeons. Even at home in the garden they’ll munch their way through a tray in minutes. Unless the slugs get to them first, that is.

Watered everything, that’s beginning to take a bit of time now. Thank goodness for the auto-vents on the greenhouse windows. It was hot enough with the windows wide open. I think it would be cooking everything without them.

Next job was to barrow some compost onto the brassica bed on plot 5.  There was an inch to two inches of compost on the soil when I dug it over but it needed more. 15 wheelbarrow loads to be exact. It’s amazing how you can use up ten tons of compost. I expect I’ll be ordering  a load more next year at this rate.

Having  roughly spread the compost, it was time to bring out the Merry Tiller. I must have gone over it four or five times but  there are still some  lumps. Still, it’s a lot better and  I can now get some brassicas planted.

Back in the big greenhouse, the Gardeners  Delight aren’t  looking too clever, yellowing of the lower leaves  which is indicative of nitrogen or magnesium deficiency. I think I’ll give them some  high nitrogen fertiliser and spray with Epsom Salts (half an ounce per pint).


Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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