Watering, Onions, Raised Beds & Beans

Keeping busy, taking advantage of this very dry weather. Harvest continues, great onions and yet more beans.

Onions Drying Outside on Pallet

Last of the onions lifted and laid out to dry on some pallets.

The weather is strange – what’s new? – cool and cloudy with the odd bursts of sunshine but very dry. They’re predicting some really nice weather ahead, an Indian summer, as well.

Still, it’s better than wondering when the rain will ease off even if I’ve had to get the sprinkler going a couple of times. I mainly use the sprinkler in the evening and at night so the water has time to soak into the soil before the sun can warm things up and cause evaporation in the day.

Nice Onions

The last of the onions were lifted and laid out to dry on some pallets. The drying racks are being used for the earlier crop in the shed. Rather pleased with the onion crop this year. These will be moved indoors when the weather changes.

Raised Beds

Field with raised beds

Raised beds in the field plot

The raised beds in the field plot are looking well. That’s despite the rabbit attacks that our moggies have failed to prevent. I think they’re enjoying their retirement! At least no sheep have got through our beefed up borders. The squash do show some toothmarks but they haven’t gone deep enough to create a problem with use or storing.

I’m resisting the urge to pull a parsnip. Judging by the foliage they’ll be really good but will they be large, shapely roots or mangled looking monsters? I can hardly cope with the tension.

Turnips, mustard greens, beetroot and daikon are doing extremely well but the dwarf French beans don’t look too good. The rabbits taking the leaves prior to me netting hasn’t done them much good. Not that I’m short of French beans but it would have been nice to get a crop. Still, there’s time and you never know.

Yet More Beans!

French Beans

French Beans Cobra – not a bad picking!

Up to the walled veg garden with the aim of harvesting some runner beans. That didn’t work out. I thought to just check the Cobra French beans in the polytunnel. I didn’t expect there would be many as I’d gone over them two days before. Manic laughter! I ended up with a heaped colander full.

Half to my daughter and we’ve blanched and frozen the other half for us. What amazes me is how you think you’ve got them all off and then you find a couple nearly a foot long happily hiding behind the leaves.

The step ladders make getting to the top beans easier. I can’t jump that high. As you can spot in the background, taking the leaves off the tomatoes has stopped the blight getting to the fruits. For the most part they’re ripening up nicely.

Posted in Allotment Garden Diary

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